Ingredients: 4 vine-ripened tomatoes 12 baby gourmet potatoes 4 medium fillets of fresh snapper 1 cup fresh arugula For Vanilla Saffron Aioli 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar 1/2 teaspoon ground New Zealand or regular saffron 1 vanilla pod or 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon fine salt 1 egg yolk 6 oz. grape seed oil For Lemon Caramel 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons water 1/2 teaspoon salt Juice of 1 lemon Directions: Place tomatoes on a tray of rock salt in the oven at 320° F and roast until skins begin to split. Remove from oven and keep warm. Slice potatoes into thin slices and pan fry in olive oil with sea salt till golden and crispy. In a large pan, fry the snapper (sprinkled with…
Mouth Watering Memphis Style Pork Ribs
August 12, 2017 1463 ViewsThe Memphis Style pork rib is one of the most popular and mouth watering styles of rib preparation. One of the reasons for the popularity with the Memphis Style rib is its unique blend of barbeque tradition and flavorful seasonings. The only sauce applied to Memphis Style ribs is mop sauce used for basting during the cooking process. Barbeque sauce is never used during the cooking process but rather served on the side with the ribs at the table. Because a barbeque sauce is not used, the mop sauce is an important component in keeping the meat moist. A Memphis Style barbeque sauce will be a tomato and vinegar based sauce that may also contain mustard. With this style, the quality of the meat…
Delicious Easy Parsley Potatoes
August 2, 2017 1067 ViewsRegardless of how you fix them, whether diced, sliced, mashed or baked, potatoes are the most popular vegetable in America, and a pantry staple. Most Americans include some form of potato product in one out of three meals they eat daily. Potatoes, when prepared well, and without added fat, are a wonderful source of nutritional energy. When shopping for potatoes, choose ones that are firm, smooth, and have no spots and sprouts. If a potato is rather green in appearance it indicates sunburn or light exposure and should be avoided. Find the proper potato for the dish that you are preparing. Waxy or boiling potatoes are better suited for soups, salads or barbequing. Be sure to store potatoes…