vegan cooking recipes
  • Thai Dishes from the North East
    Thai Dishes from the North East

    The North East Phaak Tiew (Leaves of Tiew of the Cratoxylum family) is the Queen of the North-eastern vegetables. Young tops, leaves and blossoms are taken with Laab (a kind of dish of which the most important ingredients are minced meat or fish mixed with chillies and lime juice as well as roasted rice and mint leaves), Goi (a kind of dish like Yam but mostly with raw meat as main ingredient), Naam Prig, soup, and Khanom Chin Naam Ya (Steamed Rice Noodles with Curried Fish Sauce). Soup with Phaak Tiew has sour flavor. 1. Soup Dog Phaak Tiew (Soup with Phaak Tiew Blossoms) Medicinal value: Soup with Phaak Tiew Blossoms is a laxative, and also medicine to get rid of phlegm, to nourish the…

  • Thai Dishes from Central And South
    Thai  Dishes from Central And South

    The Central Part Tamlyn (a kind of creeping plant of which its green leaves and tops are edible) is the vegetable Queen of the central region. The cool flavor of the Tamlyn’s leaves and creeping stems cooked as food help relieve heat in the summer time. 1. Nam Prig Maakhaan Sod (Fresh Tamarind Chilli Paste ) Vegetables to be taken with: Parboied vegetables are Tamlyn, the tops of Maafaak Kaew(a kind of green melon), Maa Kwaeng ji, grilled young Paekaa pods (Kinds of pods from the Paekaa tree of Oroxylums indicum family )and the tops of Faak Khaw (a kind of fruit from the Faak Khaw creepting plant) Fresh vegetables are Thua pu, Phaak Hin, Phaak Poom Pla (a kind of short- life circle plant…

  • Essential Ingredients of Thai Cooking
    Essential Ingredients of Thai Cooking

    Bamboo Shoots: Bamboo shoots are called for in many Thai recipes. In order to prepare a bamboo shoot for cooking you need to peel them and boil the white inner stalks for 30 minutes in water. If you are using canned bamboo shoots you will only need to boil them for 10 minutes, or if they are going into curries or soups, boiling might not be required. Basil (fresh): There are three types of basil used in Thai cooking; sweet, holy and lemon. Sweet basil is much easier to find because it is commonly used in western cooking. Holy basil has a spicier taste and can be recognized by it’s slightly purple leaves. Lemon basil has a lemony flavor and can be detected by its distinct lemony scent. If…

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